
This is way off topic for me but it was a little information that I picked up that you may or may not be interested in.  It seems the big health warnings for the past year or so is that none of us take in enough vitamin D. It’s a massively important vitamin and a […]

Exercises For Better Vision

We all spend far too much time in front of computers and televisions which is something our ancestors didn’t have to worry about and because of that more people are wearing glasses. Some people claim you can reverse this trend, I’m not sure about that but I do know that a few simple eye exercises […]

Drunken Tongue

I’d love to say that this is some obscure martial arts movement. Unfortunately not … I am suffering from the most painful ulcer on my tongue that I have had the displeasure to experience in many years. My every helpful husband suggested that I try putting whiskey on it to make it go away, I’m in […]

Author Scott Austin Tirrell

Maker of fine handcrafted novels!

Druid Life

Nimue Brown, David Bridger - Druidry, Paganism, Creativity, Hope

Damh the Bard

Nature, Myth, Magic, and Music

Pomeranian Puppies

Guides , Training Tips for Dogs