Now You’re Writing.

By now I should think you are writing, you’ve done your research and rounded off your characters and I hope you’re letting them have some fun. Be warned sometimes they will go off on their own, so don’t be surprised if you need to rein them in sometimes.

If you’ve already written your story, now is the time to do your second draft, work out how your chapters work, check your spelling and grammar. Editing can be fun but you really need to be disciplined with it. The eternal question is how many drafts should you do of your work? No one knows if there is a magic number, keep writing and rewriting until you’re happy with your work but don’t drive yourself mad. Knowing when to step back from your work and hand it to someone else is a blessing but do everything you can until you feel that pull.

Personally, I do my first draft with a good old fashioned pen and paper so the second draft becomes natural as I transfer the work onto a computer. More on editing next time.

Enjoy your story and keep writing…


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